#9. Problem Solved.

Hello, welcome back to my blog! Today I wanted to splatter some more about the food industry. As I've done more research, I've realized that this comic is relevant to many issues surrounding our food. 

The lady in the comic is "solving" a problem the guy has, a fly problem. She sprays the fly with chemicals which obviously would kill the fly but doesn't seem to notice or care that those chemicals pose a threat to the guy as well. Sound familiar? Today, as many of us know, our produce is sprayed with harsh chemicals known as pesticides, in order to stop critters from damaging the crop. These companies spray these pesticides, and are often coming out with stronger and more potent ones, without thorough research as to what the effects are to humans in the long term. Sure, people can avoid ingesting these chemicals by washing their produce but isn't it alarming that these chemicals are allowed to be sprayed on our food. I'm still in the process of doing more research but the effects of pesticides are also detrimental to the environment.

This comic also can be related to factory farming in terms of animals. Often, animals (due to the horrific conditions they live in) are injected with antibiotics to keep them alive. These animals are then raised, killed, and sold for human consumption. I'm wondering if these antibiotics have any effect on humans. Still need to conduct research but it's interesting to consider. Each time a problem in the food industry comes up, instead of trying to fix what caused the problem, a new solution to mask the underlying cause comes up, and often its at the dispense of our health. I hope this gives you something to think about. See you in my next blog!



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